Saturday, April 28, 2007

Less is More

I've spent a weekend immersed in sound. Friday night I went to a concert of crystal bowls, paiste gongs and a variety of instruments. What struck me, literally, was that vast soundscapes one can paint with just two, or sometimes even one instrument.

Another very striking thought was that there is an invisible quality to true music, that which sets music apart from simply noise and that is blending. It a challenging concept to explain but it allows each individual sound to be uniquely different and yet they are all part of everything else that is going on. THAT is what I listen for.

This struck me again Saturday afternoon listening to a master didjeridoo player at a didj workshop. With what to most people is nothing but a hollow log and a simple rattle, he took me on a journey that set the mood for the entire afternoon. I felt the sound move me. Not the outside of me. The inside of me. That's where I was listening from.

When we listen from that place deep inside us, we can find where we need to be, what we need to be doing. That place is where we find our true selves. Some of us can hear from this place. Some of us hear it and ignore it. Some of us hear it, acknowledge and carry on with 'real' life and some of us don't hear it all, which would be a very sad life.

I've enjoyed my weekend sonic 'vacation' immensely and hope to do it again soon. It was very refreshing for my soul.

Sonic Blissings, Anny

© April, 2007 Anny Fyreagle

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