Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why sound...my altar...my prayer

For me, although voice is my first instrument, sound is more than singing.
It is drumming and chiming and striking and stroking and plucking..

I sound because it is my spiritual practice.
I sound because it nourishes my soul and makes it glow.
I listen deeply to the known and the mystic and
I sound to give 'voice' to the sonic mysteries swirling through the cosmos.
Sounding gives me roots to ground and wings to soar.
Sound brings me back to harmony when I am out of tune.
Sound brings me balance.
It reaches out to all the places I have stretched myself and offers
an alchemical container where I can return to my peace in the chaos.
Life is my altar and my body is not a temple to sit with hard, structured
boundaries unused waiting for a moment of occasional spirit ritual.
My body is my instrument. Constantly tuning and adjusting to life's symphony.
I chant it. I dance it. I sing it. I make mad passionate love to it. I breathe it.

Sound is my song, it is my dance, it completes me.

Sonic Blissings, Anny


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Anoushka Fyreagle said...

Thanks. Nice to hear from you.